Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia Price & Deals

Excess body weight is not considered as a healthy sign. It brings too much negativities in our internal and external health. Individuals facing this problem desire to get rid of it in every possible way. We are here to fulfill your dream to get a perfectly balanced body with the most budget-friendly Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost in Riyadh, Jeddah & Saudi Arabia which will eliminate your body mass in a natural way. Read below to learn more interesting facts and book us right away!

Gastric Bypass Surgery!

Gastric bypass surgery is a weight loss operation that helps people lose a considerable amount of weight in a permanent way. It includes making changes to the digestive system. This approach works as follows:

Stomach Pouch:

The surgeon creates a little pouch at the top of the stomach during the operation. Usually the size of an egg, this pouch serves as the new, smaller stomach. This restricting element helps people feel fuller after smaller meals at once.

Small Intestine Reroute:

The surgeon then divides the small intestine into two halves. The lower portion of the small intestine is attached to the little stomach pouch that was created in the phase before. Food can now avoid a large section of the small intestine, which is where nutritional absorption takes place. Because of this, eating less food causes the body to absorb fewer calories and nutrients, which aids in weight loss. This is the process’s malabsorptive element.

Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost in Abu Dhabi:

At our clinic, the average cost of gastric bypass surgery ranges from 12000 SAR to 18000 SAR. This is an estimation and the final cost will be decided after a meeting with pur experts. We commit to giving you the most affordable care possible without sacrificing any kind of value.

Factors of Cost:

The Gastric Bypass in Dubai cost varies due to the following factors:

Clinic Qualities:

The specific qualities of the clinic including its location, and the facilities equipped it greatly on the price. If you are taking this approach from a well-reputed clinic located in a standardized region then you have to pay more bills.

Doctor Reputation:

The background and expertise of the practitioner or medical professional doing the operation may have an impact on the procedure’s cost. Providers with extensive training and experience may bill extra for their knowledge.

Treatment Sessions:

It could take more than one session to get the desired outcomes in some situations. Extra sessions will demand more time from the doctor. The total fee will increase with each extra session. 


Some users customize the procedure to their specific requirements. This customization requires the special skills of the doctor and some extra resources so it raises the overall bill of treatment.

Preoperative Assessments:

Patients usually go through an array of tests and evaluations before surgery. These tests and evaluations may include lab work, nutritional counseling, psychological testing, and medical assessments. The total cost is increased by these evaluations.

Post-Operative Care:

Post-operative care, including follow-up visits, dietary advice, and support services, might also be included in the price. Although comprehensive post-operative care can raise overall costs, it is necessary for long-term success.

Advantages of Gastric Bypass Surgery:

  • Leads to sustained weight loss.
  • Alleviates problems like diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea.
  • Increases energy levels and quality of life.
  • Provide long enduring outcomes.
  • Reduces joint pain and their function.
  • Positive impacts on mental well-being.
  • Does not require any post-weight loss treatments.

Book Us Right Away! 

If you are ready to take charge of your personality then book a consultation right away. Our experts at Royal Weight Loss Clinic Saudia will provide you with the most reasonable Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost in Riyadh, Jeddah & Saudi Arabia. Book an appointment and make a fresh start!