Baldness and thinning of hair are common issues among people as they grow old. Most of this is caused either by genetics or some other medical condition. No matter what the cause is, it could be frustrating personally and socially. People suffering from hair loss and baldness usually have low self-confidence and find themselves a bit awkward in different social situations. Therefore, people seek a permanent solution to get out of this miserable situation. In the beginning, people usually rely on different everyday use products and homemade remedies to treat this condition but it rarely works. In that case, scientific advancement offers a solution. Hair Restoration in Riyadh, Jeddah & Saudi Arabia through hair transplant is key among the available techniques. During this procedure, a strip of hair follicles is removed from the back or side of the head (wherever it’s in abundance) and is implanted in bald patches or areas with a receding hairline. Overall, hair transplantation offers individuals a chance to regain their youthfulness and a chance to live the life they want without any kind of awkwardness.
Aim of the Treatment:
The primary purpose of the hair restoration process, as the term suggests, is to restore the thinning hairline and bald patches that appear on the scalp. The unique characteristic that this treatment offers is its ability to produce extraordinary results with lower risk and relatively little downtime.
The recovery period is relatively shorter and most individuals can get back to work after 2 to 3 days of the procedure. Within two to three weeks of the surgery, the implanted hair will start to fall. However, this is normal, and won’t notice a regrowth of hair within a few months. Within six to nine months of the surgery, most people would be able to get a major part of their hair restored.
Hair transplant, among the available methods of hair restoration, is better owing to the following reasons. Firstly, it offers a long term solution to the problem of baldness and thinning of hair. Secondly, it involves a relatively lower level of risks, that of infection and blistering. Thirdly, the recovery time is very shorter and one would be able to continue normal life within 2-3 days of the procedure. Finally, given the results, the cost of the treatment is very reasonable.
Ideal Candidates:
The doctor would probably suggest getting a hair transplant if the person experiences ongoing hair loss and bald patches have begun to emerge on their scalp. When hair loss first begins, the individual can stop it with preventive measures, but once that period has gone, there is no way to reverse it other than by restoring the hairline with a hair transplant. The eligibility of the patient is checked by the doctor during a detailed first consultation.
How does the Treatment work?
The Hair Restoration in Riyadh, Jeddah & Saudi Arabia works by restoring the person’s hairline and also the volume of their hair. This is done by moving healthy roots of the hair from one part of the person’s head to the other. This is done by several different techniques chosen by the dermatologist according to the patient’s current condition and their expectation from the therapy.
It is important to have a detailed thorough discussion with the doctor about your requirements and expectations from the treatment. the dermatologist then reviews the medical history and examines the current condition of the person’s head. Some testing may also be carried out to diagnose the underlying cause of the person’s hair loss. Once the doctor confirms the person’s eligibility for the Hair transplant, a customized treatment is planned according to the patient’s condition and requirement.
The patient is provided with a list of instructions to prepare for the surgery. They are instructed to stop taking blood thinning medications for at least a week or two before the treatment, and not to use any harsh chemicals on the scalp before the treatment.
The main treatment to restore the head full of hair is the procedure of Hair Transplant. In this, the dermatologist takes out the person’s hair from the part of the head that is not affected by the hair loss. The doctor makes sure that the roots of the hair are attached to the hair when taken out. These are then placed on the part of the head affected by the loss of hair and where there is baldness by making small cuts on the scalp. The doctor then covers up the treated area with a bandage so that the risk of infection can be avoided
Techniques of Hair Transplantation:
The method of extracting healthy hair follicles may vary for each individual depending on their condition. The types include
- Robotic
The doctor discusses all these in details during the first consultation
Side Effects:
Although, it is relatively a safer way of getting one’s hairline restored however like most surgical procedures it involves some risks of bleeding and infection. There is also a very slight chance of scarring. In some exceptional cases, one may experience inflammation in the implanted follicles which may require immediate doctor’s intervention.
Cost of Hair Restoration:
The average cost for Hair Restoration in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia range from SAR 8,999 to SAR 12,999. It depends on several variables like the technique adopted by the doctor and chosen by the individual, the expertise of the dermatologist, clinical level, and location.
Request a Free Consultation!
One of the largest and most recognized cosmetic clinics, not just in Riyadh but also internationally, is the Enfield Royal Clinic. Clients come to the clinic from all over the world for their aesthetic requirements. Our staff of highly skilled, educated, and experienced doctors and surgeons guarantees that all procedures are secure and produce the desired results.
If you want more information about the aesthetic treatments offered at our clinic, contact us or book a free appointment by submitting the form provided below.